Shelter Rescue and Please Rescue Me thanks you for sending us your "Happy Tails"! Nothing delights
us more than to read your emails and to share them with others because everyone loves a happy ending! There is
something special about shelter pets!
Thank you for opening your heart and home!
"Shiloh & Abby" ....Two Shelter Pets Find A Home Of Their
Hi, I adopted
Abby and Shiloh over a year ago from the Newan Shelter. Just came for Shiloh since it was his "last day alive" but
couldn't resist when asked to take the 5 week old puppy Abby too. WE love them so much and couldn't imagine our lives without them. Shiloh was dumped off at the Newnan shelter because his owner said
"this dog won't hunt". That's right he is the sweetest animal on this earth and would not harm a fly! He also
had heart worms which we cured and was very thin. Abby tough little girl that she is, was found wandering the streets
- and was in great shape - we did not want her to know even one day in the shelter so took her home too. They go with mamma everywhere. My kids Chloe and Ariel help manage them too. We also have
too other babies, Buddy and Shaggy who just showed up at our porch one day and has never left! Shiloh is the beagle and Abby the Australian Shepherd mix. Thank you so much for all you do and letting us save their
lives - it makes me feel great everyday! If you need more info to post our story let me know! Warmest Regards, Ali


"Inspector Gadget" Finds The Purrfect Home!!!
Luvana, Attached to this e-mail are some recent photos of Gadget. We were taunting him with a
string during this photo shoot and so he looks very intense. He is absolutely precious and purrrrrfect in
every little kitty way. We have had so much fun watching him play and cuddle. We are still calling him "kitty"
but are considering "Mozart" or "Mango". Gadget has become good buddies with our puppy Marley.
The pair of them is a dream come true. We have spoiled Gadget terribly .. . . he now spends the night nestled on our
pillows between our heads. I don't count sheep anymore, I just race to see if I fall asleep before he stops
purring! Thanks again for our adorable kitten. Sincerely, Chrissy

From shelter pet to beloved pet......Dylan's happy ending!
Dylan is doing just
great! He and Chloe have really bonded this week. THey are playing and wrestling with each all the time and Chloe
taught Dylan how to swim last weekend. Seems that Dylan thought he could walk on water, he quickly learned how to swim!
He's not quite ready to jump off the dock but he is very close, he sees Chloe doing it but he's not quite brave enough
yet. He is a very intelligent dog. He catches on quickly to all training and routines. He is actually a
calmer than Chloe. I think all he needed is a little exercise. He loves running with the 4 wheeler. Chloe
has taught him how to lead and turns on command. He is a great dog. You would have to pry him from our grip to
get him back! - Rich

Christina gives us an update on "Jethro"!
Hello! I wanted to share
these pictures of Jethro in his home. He has been here less than three weeks but has made quite an impact on us. He is not
the same dog I saw at the shelter! The day I saw him he had a terrible case of mange on his face, was underweight and could
not walk due to sores on his paws. Well three weeks has made a huge difference in him. He runs everywhere (no more sore paws),
the mange is clearing up and his beautiful face is showing, and he has gained 5 pounds. He loves the house and learned
quickly to go to the bathroom outside. He also enjoys playing with his brother Charlie. Jethro quickly discovered the
bed and it is hard to keep him off of it. I want people to know that even though Jethro was a mess and was easily overlooked,
that he was a diamond in the rough. Please do not overlook a dog because it is not perfect. A little tlc goes a long way! Thanks for all you do! Christina

"Serena's" Family Sends Us An Update. THANK YOU!
This is Sandy from LaFayette, Georgia.
In March, I emailed you about the Calico cat, Serena, that I adopted from the Meriwether Animal Shelter. Serena has
settled into our family as though she'd always been here. She's a great cat, and I'm glad we made the drive to bring
her home. Here's a picture of her lounging in her domain.

"Dandelion" and his brother, "Tango"......match made
in heaven!!!!!
Hi, Luvana, I thought you might like to see a couple of pix of Dandelion
and his older brother, Tango, playing this morning. They are quite the pair....play and lick and follow each other around
constantly....also sleep together. We call Dandelion "Mini-me." He's doing great, and still has a fab
personality. I'm also sending 2
earlier pics of him with his favorite toy.. Best, Margaret


A-4 #11513 Will Now Have A New Name And A New Family!!!
was love at first sight (on both sides) for this new family! We are thrilled that A-4 found a loving home and a new
best friend! Our last glimpse of A-4......he was sitting in the front seat of the truck between dad and little
sister with a huge grin! Now that is a WONDERFUL sight!!


you, Christina, for opening your heart and home to "Jethro" formerly known as A-16 #11433 at Coweta County
Animal Control. You truly saved a life and we know that Jethro will repay you 1,000%! Thank you, thank you......THANK YOU!

"Zoe's" Update From Her Wonderful Mom!!!!
HI Luvana, just thought I’d send you a few photos of Zoe, the love-cat. I”m just crazy about her and she
and Murray and Maddux are getting along so well. Particularly Maddux, he is 4 and still has a lot of kitten in him and he
is loving having someone young to play with. (Maddux is the very large boy with the long fur – Murray is the thin
boy with short hair). I think Zoe’s very favorite thing to do is hang out on my screened porch. She loves watching the
birds at the bird feeder just outside the window and has claimed a chair at the table out there as her own (see photos)
Thanks again, for bringing me this little doll-girl.
Mary Beth

"Casey" Now Known as "Finnegan Macree" Has A Happy Tail
To Tell!!!!
Hello! Just wanted to drop you a note and a few pictures to show off our kitty, who we adopted in February
of this year. We changed his name from Casey to Finnegan Macree which means "Strong" and "of my
heart" -- I'm Irish so all my "kids" have Irish names. He is just a joy! He is so much
fun and full of love and lots of purrs!! We are so blessed to have him in our lives! Thank you again
so very much for allowing us the opportunity of adopting Finn. Brigid

"Bucky's" New Dad Checks In!
Hi Adrianne (Bucky's Foster
Mom),I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation in introducing me to this wonderful dog! He has been an absolute
joy and I cannot envision a more perfect companion. Since his adoption, we have enjoyed time at the lake chasing
tennis balls and boating followed by a weekend in the mountains with friends for the 4th. His intelligent
and calm attitude wows everyone that encounters him. Thanks again to you and Shelter Rescue for providing him foster
housing and a second chance at life until he found his ‘forever home’ with me. You have my heartfelt appreciation
for everything that you and your organization does for these animals in their most desperate time of need. I know your
efforts with current and future dogs and cats will provide others with the delight I have found with Bucky. Thanks again!
Austin (and Bucky

Awww....."Othello" |

What a sweet picture (C-2 #10901) |
"Othello" (Formerly known as C-2 #10901) Has A Happy Ending! Just look at this sweet picture!
Today (7-6-09) we
adopted our 2nd pet from your center, and I wanted to share a few photos with you! The dog we adopted over a year
ago, and his name is Edgar. The kitten was adopted today, and we've named him Othello. He was formerly
known as C-2! Janis S
"Edgar" |

Adopted from Cowtea AC! |

"Enzo's" Very Happy Ending! Note: Enzo was rescued from Coweta AC. He was heartworm positive
AND deaf!
Hope you have been well! I am going to put together a disc for you this weekend! I wanted to send you
this link to preview a story you are pretty familiar with.
As you know, Enzo has been an inspiration to many people and dogs, but his school is one
place where he came out of his shell and showed us just how smart and amazing a deaf, unwanted dog can be. His school
also promotes adopting dogs, especially special needs dogs so his story will be used to help potential adopters to take another
look at that special needs dog. Even if we can inspire just one person it will be worth it! Thought you'd
be proud of our little guy! He just completed 1st grade at school, diploma and all! He still goes to day school one day a
week. In the fall we start 2nd grade! Big hug! Bethani

"Zoe" (formerly known as "Puddy Kat") Happy Ending!
HI Luvana, well the first 24 hours couldn’t have gone any better. She is a love bug and I was unable
to get any work done yesterday because I just wanted to be with her and love on her. On the way home, we stopped at
PetSmart. She came in with me (in her carrier of course), and I got food, collar, toys, a play structure –
it’s an s shaped thing that sits on the side of the s. It has a hanging toy and a scratch pad. She LOVES it.
I kept her in my study all yesterday and last night. Murray and Maddux were at the door meowing and sticking
their paws and noses under the door. She completely ignored them. This morning, after everyone had had breakfast, I
opened the door and Murray came in to smell everything. They touched noses, cautiously, she let out a little hiss
and Murray sauntered away. Maddux seems completely un-nerved by her and keeps looking at me like ‘who the heck
is that and why is she in my house’
We’ve had several visitors this morning – neighbors
and one little girl who loves my cats. And Puddy is so OK with everybody. She played hard this morning and is
currently taking a nap while I get some work done.
I will send photos as I take them and let you know when
I’ve come up with a good name for her.
Thanks you so much for this sweet little love muffin!
Mary Beth

"Susie Q's" (formerly "Nellie") Family Checks In!
Mom Kim, I thought I would drop you a line after our first
week with Ms. Susie Q. I love, love, love her and she loves me in return. She is so funny and sweet AND so very smart. I told
Bob that she was smarter than Bub and he answered, “Everyone is smarter than Bub.” Susie and Sophie like to wrestle
on the bed. They can’t run and play too much outside because Bub intervenes. We are working on a solution for that.
She does bark by the way. If Sophie barks then Susie barks. Sophie is her idol. Eddie Bob the cat (Sophie’s special
friend) laid down on Susie the other night and the look on Susie’s face was priceless…”there is a cat laying
on me…what do I do?” She does like to aggravate Callie but I am sure that will stop when Callie pops her once.
She is eating well and Dad is doing his best to make friends with her and is making progress however slow. I am walking her
on her leash several times a week and she seems to enjoy that very much. When I left for work this morning Bob looked at Susie
and said, “no whining now because mom is leaving.” She is the best and I thank you and Shelter Rescue for bringing
us together! Have a great weekend!

Foster Mom Luvana, I just wanted to let you know how Nugget's first day/night home went. Our lab (Roscoe) and Nugget are getting
along well. Nugget was a little intimidated at first but who could blame him since Roscoe is 82lbs. They are going
to be very good friends. Nugget will taunt Roscoe and then go hide under the table. They are funny together.
The cats are not interested in socializing with Nugget yet. He slept very well but cried a little after I let him out
to potty at 3:00. He was ready to play! We are so excited about him and just thrilled to have him in our family.
He is a great fit! Thank you, Paige G

Hi, I adopted 009580 A-17 last night. I wanted to
attach some pictures so you could see how well she is doing now. she had a rough month with the shelter. We pulled 4 ticks
off her and she was sick to her stomach all thru the first weekend. She did nothing but sleep in her bed for 3 days. i
took her to the vet first thing monday....she was put on 3 different medications and one is antibiotics to treat a tick born
illness. Its now week two and she is feeling MUCH better. she is a good dog! she still seems to trust only me and is very
leary of anyone else trying to pet her..but she's sweet as can be and never growls, just cowers. she has started coming
up to me without cowering and her tail wags a lot more now. shes only had one accident inside and even woke me up to go outside
several times at night when she was sick. she obeys well...and once she gets comfortable with someone she even shakes hands.
and she has begun to play a little with my other dog too. its been a challenge, but im glad i stuck with it because i think
she has ended up being exactly what i was looking for! thanks for all your advice and thank you for what all of you do to
find these dogs homes! mElissa (and Kember)

I'm the new mommy of A-8 who we named Minnie...as in Minnie Mouse! I thought I would give you a bit of an update on how
she's doing in her new home. My wonderful husband fed me stories of needing to get into work early last Thursday because
of meetings but instead he was headed to Georgia to get our new baby girl! She has been a true blessing so far! No bad habits
at all! She and our other dog love one another as well! She has truly found her forever home with us and proves that shelter
dogs make the very best pets! You can see in her eyes how thankful she is to be living with us...I say this as she snuggles
up next to me on the couch. Thank you for what you do...had you not listed her photos and videos we would have never
found this wonderful little girl! ~ Mallory K

My name
is Sandy and I live in LaFayette, Georgia. On Valentine's Day, I had to let my calico cat, Miss Priss, go because
kidney failure had taken its toll on her. She was 16 years old, and had chosen my husband and me as her family when
she was about 6 months old. Needless to say, her passing left an empty space in my home and heart.
of curiousity, I did a search on Petfinder and found a picture of a calico cat that tugged at my heart.
Your organization had put her picture on Petfinder, and she was in the Meriwether County animal shelter which is approximately
150 miles from us. I called the shelter and was delighted to learn that the kitty was still there. Since
I couldn't pick her up until the following week, Sandy Woods emailed the adoption papers so I could fill them out.
At my request, she had the kitty tested and spayed so she'd be all set when we got her.
We drove to Greenville
on March 9, and brought our new family member home. She's now settled in, and she and our dogs have become
accustomed to each other. Since she's sweet natured, and pretty calm, I named her Serena. Attached
are the pictures you'd posted on Petfinder.
I wanted to thank you for posting her picture so that I could find

Gaia's Shelter Picture |

Before Finding A FOREVER Home!!!! |
Hello everyone,
I wanted to give you a quick update on the fantastic puppy I adopted last weekend. I fell in love with her as soon
as those brown eyes looked at me. I drove down from Marietta the very next day and brought her home. Her name is Gaia and
she is in love with Julius whom I adopted three years ago (same age Gaia is now). I have put her on the wellness plan
from Banfield and she is one healthy and happy little girl.
I've attached a picture with the three of us.
Thank you!

Dear Donna, I
thought you good folks would like an update on the little brown tabby that I adopted from the CC Animal Control on Tuesday
(2-17-09). I took her directly to the Pharr Rd. Animal Clinic because of the tail issue. J She is back home with us now. They needed to bob her tail up to healthy tissue, so we decided on
a 2” puff, sort of like a rabbit’s tail. She has also been spayed and has gotten all of her shots. She has been
through quite an ordeal lately, but has handled it beautifully. She is a little trooper. Since she looks like a Victorian muff, we have
named her Muffy. She is a real treasure …. terribly affectionate, well-adjusted, uses the litter box, has no fear of
my dogs, spunky and curious …. a complete angel. Muffy is a very worthy
rescue. Thank you for trusting me with her. Good luck with all the fine work that you folks
do. I will try to follow your website whenever I can.
best regards, Penny

little kitty was such a sweetheart the first time we met him. He has 1 brother and 2 sisters. The day we came to the animal
shelter we ment to only get one new addition to the family, but we got two. One of them, which we named Risky, lives with
us. However, his sister lives with my fathers girlfreind and her name is Chica. As soon as both of them came to their new
homes everone loved them. Risky already has a favorite toy and a new friend. His favorite toy is a small checkered mouse and
his new friends name is Domino. She was shocked when we brought Risky home but now they have grown to love each other. Plus
they both love car rides. Now he lives with us happy and growing and we hope his brother and sister find a home together
too. Amanda

This sweet girl had
no name at Coweta.She was just a number.Now her name is Juneau.She is such a doll.We have had her for two months.She loves
to go to the dog parks and play with other dogs.She loved her first snow.She loves her older brother John(Our boston terrier).She
loves to play tuggy and she loves her tennis balls.When we got Juneau she didnt know what it was like to play tug o war or
she didnt know what getting in a car meant.She loves going in the car now. She is a big part of our life and we love her dearly.
She's happy in her forever home. Charley

OMG, this
is an awesome dog!! Jake plays so nicely with my kids... he has never once jumped on them. He seldom
jumps on anyone, but when he does, it's very gently... more like a slow climb rather than a jump. For Christmas, my son got one of those remote controlled helicopters. Well, I don't think I need to tell
you what Jake thought of it...LOL. He had a great time chasing that thing all over the place. Now mind you, my
kids have toys all over the place, and he pretty much leaves everything alone. Once in a while, he'll grab a doll
or something, but is very quick to let it go if you tell him. Jake
will play all day, or let you pet him all day. He is such an easy going boy. He
does no countersurfing, and does not beg for food. My white boxer Rosco,
sheds like crazy, but Jake sheds very little by comparison. He is a very neat eater thank goodness. Jake is very easy to train. He knows sit, and walks very nicely on a leash. He gets a little excited
when we start, but after a minute or two, stays right next to me with the leash slack. He may get distracted by a leaf
and want to go to it, but just a little tug and a "slow down" and he's right back next to me. He's
been outside off leash, and comes right back when you call him. I think he's too afraid of losing us to wander off,
and stays close by. I think Jake is the perfect family dog! Tracy


Good morning to all. Dutchess is an absolute doll baby. Boy, can she give some great
southern kisses. While Darrin was in the van with her, she just couldn't give him enough kisses, and then started kissing
the arm rest when she felt she had kissed Darrin enough. I have her settled in downstairs, fresh water, and Fox
and Friends on the TV. I stayed downstairs with her for about 45 minutes after she went potty outside,
and we just curled up on the couch and watched The Factor. What a great save you guys. She is absolutely awesome.
Sweet, sweet, sweet, and beautiful to boot! Have a great day, Liz


Hi Donna, Update on Buddy-he is my little constant companion. He follows me everywhere and sleeps
on my pillow, curled up in a ball. When it is time for him to get up, he puts my scrunchy in his mouth and yanks the back
of my head until I wake up then he lets it go. He is the most adorable, endearing little guy I have ever met. He listens very
well and is spoiled rotten, which he should be. Thank you for bringing him into my life!


I just thought I would send you a recent picture of Tippy, and her brother Boo. They love
each other so much and she has fit in perfectly with our family. She has 50 acres, a lake, and a lot of woods to run
and play in. She snuggles with me in bed every night and she makes our family very happy. Thanks for the chance
to show her our love.

Momma Luvana, It's Thanksgiving tomorrow. I sure have a lot to be thankful for. But number one on my list is you
for finding me my loving family. I've taught them well. They still haven't
figured out how to fly though. I'm still working on that, but we have a lot of fun. I'm out of my cage (that's
what they call it but it's really my mansion) more than I'm in it. I'm going to Grandma and Grandpa's house again for Christmas. I can't wait! I love road
trips they let me be the co-pilot. That talking GPS box can really annoy me. When she talks I talk right back. Sometimes I
think she talks more than I do. My family loves
me so much! I'm doing great and always have tons of different foods and toys! I
learn new tricks all the time. My humans took some pictures of me today to show you how well I'm doing! I miss you and hope you are doing well! We think about
you often. Love and Kiss Kiss, Sunny